Montag, 6. April 2015

Expeditions in Hannover

We went to visit my Mom for some days and Inkeri and Sirpa went with us.
My Mom lives in Hannover and is a talented graphic artist. Right now she has an exhibition in the old Küchengartenpavillion. It was rebuild on the old graveyard of Linden, which has been a town of it own for many years. There are not many funerals nowadays, only some families have a graveyard there that is still in use, so to say.

The ground round the pavillion is covered with blue flowers, Scilla Siberica, every spring. They have a special feast every year for them.

Of course we had a look at my mother's pictures first, and the we had a look from one of the pavillion's roof terraces.

"Would you please come down from the balustrade? If you fall you will break something."

"Mom, it's so broad, it's not dangerous at all!"

But as we all went down, they obeyed. The pavillion looks like from a fairytale among all the spring flowers, so little girls are feeling excited. They were talking about princesses and princes and carriages and beautiful dresses and balls and dancing...

They chatted all time long about princesses and what they love. That for example to princesses flowers are essentials. And for fairies, too, of course. They went to see if they could find the home of a fairy, but found nothing.

We found an angel instead.

There were even more flowers to be found: daffondils, and primulas, and violets...

Inkeri and Sirpa both didn't want to leave, at least not until they had found a fairy. I had to tell them, that fairies only come out by night when there were not so many people around. Flower fairies are a bit shy.

We then went to the, well, the translation is zoo, but there is a difference in German between "Zoo" and "Tiergarten". Because in a Tiergarten some animals can run (more or less) free.
The Tiergarten in Hannover is part of the city forest Eilenriede, with some very old trees.

The boars were fenced in, of course. They can be dangerous, especially now, when they have youngs to defend.

The youngs were cute, but Inkeri and Sirpa both didn't like the smell.

"Let's go on, please. They smell weird."

Balancing on trees was more fun.

We saw a wren and a great tit.

And then we met the fallow deers. They were totally calm, grazing beside the path.

They can vary in color from almost white to almost black.

But when we saw the dragon, Inkeri and Sirpa decided it would be better to stay under cover in my bag. That animal looked too dangerous...

1 Kommentar:

  1. Lovely photos Anja! Looks like the girls had a great time. :)
