Sonntag, 29. November 2015

Happy First Sunday of Advent!

Christmastime is here. Today is the first sunday of Advent and german traditions demand a wreath. It has to be decorated with four candles. "Advent, Advent, ein Lichtlein brennt, erst eins, dann zwei, dann drei, dann vier, dann steht das Christkind vor der Tür." (Translation: "Advent, advent, a small candle burns, first one, then two, then tree, then four, then Christ Child stand for the door." Hey, it still rhymes in english.) We have an Advent wreath, of course. This is a household with children. One flesh and bone and three resin ones. Not to count the vinyl ones...

This year we've got one with holly leves and berries. The candles are bees wax as usual. That smells so good.

We wish all of you, wherever you live, what ever you believe in, of what color your skin is, if you're handicapped or not, if your healthy and wealthy and wise or if you're sick and poor and simple, we wish all of you peace of mind and body. May this time of the year be a mercy, may you be blessed and may peace and love follow you wherever you are.

Sonntag, 22. November 2015

Eternity sunday and winter takes over

It is Eternity Sunday here. In the churches they remember all the people who died in this year. Next week the advent starts, but befor the merriment it is a short pause.
Inkeri and Sirpa were deeply shaken by the horrible news that reached us all. In remembrance of all who died in terror attacks and wars, they wanted to set a small sign.

They say, this is their main christmas wish this year. I hope, not only Santa will help to fulfill it.

It started to snow today, the girls are very excited. My daughter is already in the yard to play in the snow.

"It's now my time to take over. You did a terrific job this autumn."

"Must have been hard to convince everybody to prepare for winter, with all taht warm weather."

"Oh yes, especially that one hedgehog was so stubborn. But he was not the only one."

"I'm so tired now... GASP"

Beekje went to sleep,...

...while Tetje was making plans for snow merriments.

Samstag, 7. November 2015

Yummy yummy yummy

Last week I had an important interview. I was nervous, being under a certain pressure, so Inkeri decided she better came with me for support. Sweet girl.
We both agreed that my nerves should be fed some coffee and cake before the interview. So we went to Café Fiedler, that was close at hand, so to speak.

"A Dark Moccacino and a Lemon Tart, please!"

"Shouldn't take too long."

"That looks yummy."

"You want some, too?"
The Lemon Tarte was yummy indeed. And the Dark Moccacino, too.
Facit: The interview went well, so coffee and cake were the right thing to have before.